"Someone once told me that time was a predator that stalked us all our lives. I rather believe that time is a companion who goes with us on the journey and reminds us to cherish every moment, because it will never come again. What we leave behind is not as important as how we've lived."
-Jean Luc Picard

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

The 1978 Star Wars Holiday Special!!

Today on super crappy holiday themed theatre, we have The Star Wars Holiday Special starring... oh just follow the link and see for yourself. Somebody must have had pictures of these folks naked and cavorting with goats to force them to appear in this nightmare.

Plot: Uh, kids will watch complete and utter crap if you tie it in with a popular movie? Chewbacca's father is named Itchy and his son is named Lumpy, Carrie Fisher sings, there's some red Snuggies, and all manners of weirdness. It's a freakin' trainwreck. Enjoy!


DrJulieAnn said...

This is a definite "Just Say No" moment. "Trainwreck" is not quite strong enough to describe it.

Hairball T. Hairball said...

The retro commercials on this are much better than the show!

*singing* Look for the union label...

Kathy said...

Quell horror.
So bad, I'm downloading it for future masochism.

Hairball T. Hairball said...

You could use this for motivational purposes.

Example: If I don't work out X times a week, I have to watch the Star Wars Holiday Special for every workout I skip.