Forgive my ramblings, I'm not all here right now....
I have come down with the icky crap that is going around Hairballville. I woke up with this mess on New Years Day thinking that if I just got a good night's sleep I could get rid of it as that works for me about 80% of the time. I've been having trouble sleeping all week which is not helping the situation at all!
I decided that no matter what, I was going shopping this afternoon as there were some sales I wanted to take advantage of that end Saturday night. (I'd rather poke needles in my eyes than endure going to the store on a Saturday afternoon as it's just too darn loud and crowded for me!!) I encountered a young man in the dairy section who sounded all snorty, sneezy and congested just like me. (I call that the attack of the bad elves!)By the time I was finished shopping I felt pretty awful. Ugh!
I'm seriously considering taking some NyQuil-like stuff just to get some serious sleep. The problem is I'm one of those who is sensitive to meds so even a 1/4 of a regular dose has me stumbling around and bumping into walls when I need to get up to use the bathroom. I'm a *horrible* patient and I'm always getting out of bed to do stuff which drives Mr. Hairball batty as he tries to take care of me. *grumble grumble*
Hope everybody else that has this gets well ASAP as this stuff really bites! I'm going to finish my tea and try again to get some sleep.